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Harry Potter - Hermione Polyjuice 1:10 Scale Statue

Special Order (Ships in 4-6 Weeks) $311.99

On the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, above the Great Hall, in the dreaded girl’s bathroom known as the Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom, a place avoided by students because it’s haunted by the ghost called Myrtle Warren, the young student at the wizarding school and Harry Potter and Rony Weasley’s best friend, uses her hidden spot to prepare her magic Polyjuice potion. Sitting under the grids in front of the old washbasin, she carefully studies the potions in the flasks she holds, with a box filled with many more, and a small cauldron for the formula’s production. With the recipe for that potion and their wand by their side, Iron Studios gathered the perfect ingredients to create this statue of Hermione Granger, with the charismatic wizard girl in one of her most memorable scenes presented in the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” from 2002, part of the collection that celebrates 20 years of its premiere in the movie theaters.

Highly complicated, challenging, and time-consuming, the Polyjuice Potion makes it possible for those who drink it to take someone else’s form. Complex even to adult wizards and witches, Hermione prepared it in her Second Year for Harry and Ron to investigate their rival Draco Malfoy about the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, disguised as his friends, Crabbe and Goyle. She also intended to take the form of her rival Millicent Bulstrode and prepared the potion with her improvised laboratory. Harry and Ron successfully transformed, but Hermione mistook Millicent’s hair with a cat’s hair in her formula, causing her to partially gain feline features, like a face, ears, and the tail of a cat. Since the Polyjuice Potion can’t be used to transform into an animal, Hermione’s change wasn’t reverted after an hour as it should, and so she went to Hogwarts Hospital Wing, staying there up until after the winter vacations.

3.50 inches tall (9cm)
1/10 Scale
Made of polystone
From the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie
Highly detailed
Hand painted

UPC 618231950553
publisher / manufacturer
Iron Studios