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Once Upon a Time Writer's Handbook

Special Order (Ships in 1 week) $24.99

Writer’s Handbook at a Glance

Use the tools provided by the Once Upon a Time game to fuel your own fiction writing.

Requires a copy of Once Upon a Time to use.

Spin a Yarn: More about the Writer’s Handbook

In Once Upon a Time, players work together to tell a tale based on the information on the cards in their hand. Use this game to jumpstart your fiction writing with the Writer’s Handbook.

Learn how to put story elements together to create flow, and examine why some stories work and others don't. Easily generate ideas to practice the material in the book using your Once Upon a Time game. Bust through writer’s block and improve your craft with this easy-to-use tool!

22 × 1 × 15 cm

UPC 9781589781122
publisher / manufacturer
Atlas Games