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Guess Who - World Football Stars Edition

Special Order (Ships in 4-6 Weeks) $44.99

The world of football meets Hasbro's original guessing game! Can you be the first to guess who your opponent's Mystery Player is? Draw a mystery card and try not to give yourself away, while you look for the right clues to be the first to score.

Pick from 24 of the greatest footballers around and ask the smartest Yes or No questions to reveal your opponent's Mystery Player before they guess yours. Do they have short hair? Do they have a beard? Are they smiling? Are they blond?

With two game grids that are easy to tidy away and store, this game would make a great gift for budding football fans, with official photographs of the players and a competitive, deduction-based gameplay that's sure to challenge players' observation and memory. Plus, you can use the score slider to count points in a Championship match, for an extra challenge!

So shuffle those cards, pick your favourite player and try to outsmart your opponent, with Guess Who: World Football Stars.

UPC 5036905056090
publisher / manufacturer
Winning Moves