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TOYGER Fluffy Playmat Seasons: Spring

Special Order (Ships in 3-5 days) $99.99

TOYGER’s Fluffy Playmat is yet another unique entry in TOYGER’s catalogue of innovative TCG accessories. Devised to emulate the luxury feel of high-grade carpet, the Fluffy Playmat range truly represents the pinnacle of premium playmat design. The ‘Seasons’ range features art highlighting classic Japanese scenes – a Torii gate in winter, falling cherry blossoms in the spring, the fireworks of a Summer Matsuri, or the orange hues of Autumn. Here are some of the features core to the Fluffy Playmat:

1. Carpet Texture to Enhance your Gaming Experience.
With its signature fleecy, velvety texture, it is far easier to handle cards on TOYGER’s Fluffy Playmat when compared to regular rubber playmats. The edges of sleeves don’t get caught on the playmat’s surface, card’s don’t slip around quite as easily, and ultimately, you run less risk of damaging your cards. The underside of the Fluffy Playmat is designed with special anti-slip processing

2. Portable and Washable.
You can easily fold the Fluffy Playmat into a relatively flat A4 configuration that fits comfortably even into handbags without leaving any permanent creases on the mat itself. There is no need for clumsy playmat tubes with this product although you can choose to pair the playmat with its own dedicated Playmat Case designed much like a laptop case. Unlike most mats, you are also free to hand-wash the Fluffy Playmat whenever you feel the need!

3. No Rubber Smell.
Unsurprisingly, the Fluffy Playmat range does away with the distinct smell of rubber inseparable from most playmats. You don’t need to worry about smells rubbing off onto your hands or card sleeves either.

UPC 4580645820851
publisher / manufacturer