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Fast & Furious - Highway Heist Game

Special Order (Ships in 4-6 Weeks) $64.99

Get ready for an exciting new mission based on the blockbuster movie series, playing as Dom, Brian, Letty, Roman, and the rest of Team Toretto on a harrowing high-speed heist! Go up against heavily-armed enemies with your hot cars, daring driving, and jaw-dropping vehicle-to-vehicle leaps of faith. Whether you are taking down a swerving semi filled with valuable cargo, stopping a rampaging tank in its tracks, or bringing down a high-tech helicopter as it rains fire from the skies, you’ll have to work together to take advantage of every team member’s strengths.

Each of the three scenarios is different and impacts how you and your high-stakes seeking team will strategize to win!

On players' turns, they will move, leap from vehicle to vehicle, fight back enemies, and pull off crazy stunts (that also act as the timer for the game – run out of stunts to do and you lose the scenario). You'll accomplish this by passing dice skill checks which your variable player powers and vehicles' stats will impact. Each scenario has a different objective you must complete to win, so get ready to work with your own Fast Family – it's up to you to pull off the job no other crew can do!

UPC 889698548021
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