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Squishmallows - Kelly the Red Velociraptor 19 cm Plush

1 in stock $16.99

Squishmallows are made from super soft marshmallow-like, lovable plush. Their cosy polyester fibres make them machine washable and suitable for all ages. Squishmallows come in a range of sizes and are ready to be your best friend!

They offer comfort, support and fun! They can be used as a couch companion, pillow pal, bedtime buddy, travel mate, or as a friend in times of need. Squishmallows have their own unique bio to make them even more special.

Kelly loves playing his marching drum because he gets to hang it close enough for his arms to reach! This software engineer always keeps up with the latest tech and can’t wait to tell his besties, Sager and Cooper, all about it, even when they’re busy watching TV. Kelly uses his freshly baked cinnamon rolls to get their attention!

UPC 196566217379